Virtual Card Payment FAQ

Answers to the most frequently asked questions.

Processing Payments

Can a single-use card be processed for any amount?

No, single-use cards can only be processed for the total amount authorized. If you process the card for a different amount it will decline. If you need to open the card for additional transactions please contact support at 1-844-727-7973 or

Can I process the card once for each invoice?

Most cards are issued for a single use. If you need to ‘open’ the card for multiple transactions, please call or email Edenred Pay support and we will assist you. 1-844-727-7973 or

Can I process a partial payment if one of my invoices is closed?

If you need to open the card for additional transactions please contact Edenred Pay at 1-844-727-7973 or

There’s a discrepancy with my payment

Please seek assistance from the company that sent you the payment.

Can I refund the card or chargeback a credit?

Please contact Edenred Pay support at 1-844-727-7973 or for assistance.

Where do I send my receipt?

You may email receipts to the email listed in the ‘From’ section of your remittance advice, but it is not required.

I processed this payment, why is it being resent?

Most likely your payment never posted. Please review and if correct, process the payment again.

I have a past due balance; when will payment be sent?

Please inquire about payment status with the contact or company where you sent the invoice.

Card Errors

I have an invalid card

There is likely a typo in the card number (hint: it’s common to miss a zero in the middle).

My card was declined

Declines most often occur due to a card being processed for the wrong amount, or there’s a typo in the 3 digit (CVC) code or expiration date. If you confirm that these items are entered correctly but the card still declines, please call or email support and we will assist you. 1-844-727-7973 or

My card has expired

Please reach out to the company that sent you the payment and request a new card number.

Vendor/Payment Portal Issues

When I enter my email address and password I am getting a message stating my email address is invalid.

Please make sure you are on the correct login page: This is the page you want to bookmark so you can easily return to it later.

When I register and then log in to retrieve my payment(s) there are none showing.

Please make sure that you register with the same email address the payment was originally sent to. Please also make sure to select a company from the ‘Select Company’ drop down.

I am not seeing all of my payments?

Make sure a company is selected from the dropdown. If multiple companies are paying you, the appropriate company needs to be selected. It’s also possible that some payments may have been sent to a different remittance email address. If the remittance email address needs to be updated, please submit a request to

Can more than one person on my team access the portal?

Yes, please submit a request to to share your account with another person and be sure to provide the email address of the person with whom you would like to share the vendor/payment portal access. Please note that while this person will be able to log into the portal to retrieve payments, they will NOT receive the remittance email.

Why do I have to log into the portal to retrieve my payment(s)?

When payment is issued we attempt to send the card information securely, via TLS, to your email. In the event that a secure connection cannot be made we will instead send a remittance with the portal login so that you may retrieve your payment securely.

Administrative Issues

I need to update the email where payments are sent

Please complete the form on our Update Account Information Page.

Invoice Problems

I need a copy of the invoice or credit memo with an account number

Please reach out to the contact or company where you sent your invoice for payment.

Can I send you an invoice for payment?

We do not accept invoices. Please submit invoices to the Accounts Payable contact at the company you are invoicing for payment.

This invoice doesn’t belong to me

Please reach out to the company that sent you the payment and request a copy of the invoice for review.

6-digit Prefix

How do I find the 6-digit prefix card number?

Enter your remittance email address to instantly obtain the 6-digit prefix.

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